4 Hands Massage


The 4 hand massage session  is for anybody who wishes to experience an amazing two hours when the mind stops and the time and space are no more. 

What's included


During the session that lasts 3.5 to 4 hours we will spend some time chatting about the massage, kundalini energy, what helps to surrender, about trust, safety, boundaries and a deeper connection. You are invited to share your heart intention for the treatment. There will be time for you to take a shower before and after the massage. A certain tantric connection ritual and some breathwork exercise will help us to let go of anxious minds.  The session includes some time for grounding yourself after the massage.

The 4 Hands Massage.

This is not an ordinary or massage. We work with an intention to bring a healing to your whole being at the level it's needed most.  We work with life force energy that is present also in you. We work with love, undivided attention and presence.  Your whole body can hold tension on a physical, energetic or spiritual level. This tension blocks our energy flow and stops us living a more fulfilled and conscious life - one lived less from the head and a little more from the heart space.  We help to release it using deep pressure as well as a feathering sensual touch, and energy activation techniques. You may enter into a half trance during which state you may access your forgotten memories or repressed emotions, now ready to be released safely. You may also feel euphoric and experience a flow of powerful healing energy in every cell of your body.  We will support you throughout the session.

The massage is a FULL BODY OIL MASSAGE performed on the floor on a large Thai mattress. You will be initially covered with a cloth sarong. There is no genital touch during the session but we may apply firm deep pressure to the groin area  to help release stagnant energy and reduce residual tension.

The therapists are clothed during the entire session.

You will be asked to complete and sign my client's Consent Form prior to the session.

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